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In busy city areas, some parking bays limit the amount of time to park to reduce the hectic traffic problem. There are also parking bays available where you can park anytime without a specific limit on the time to park. It is always important to check the signs carefully to see whether there is any restriction indicated or not. Arrange Parking for the Moving Day.

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Arrange Parking for the Moving Day

London is the busiest city in UK and driving in the city center could be a challenging experience for anyone. If you are planning to drive in London city or around London, you need to be aware of parking rules and restrictions in London.

Automated Parking System

All streets in London have automated parking system called parking meters. Some parking meters allow you to use them for a specific amount of time and the full details will be noted on the meter. In addition, the meters are marked with the time when you require paying to use them and when you can park your vehicle for free. In most areas in London, parking meters can be used free after a particular time in the evening and certain times on weekends. With the ‘pay by phone’ parking system, you can make use of your mobile phone to pay parking charge.

Designated Parking Bay

You can park in a designated parking bay which is indicated by a white ‘P’ on a blue background. In busy city areas, some parking bays limit the amount of time to park to reduce the hectic traffic problem. There are also parking bays available where you can park anytime without a specific limit on the time to park. It is always important to check the signs carefully to see whether there is any restriction indicated or not. Some parking bays such as Blue Badge parking bays are designated for the use of valid disabled persons (with blue badge permit). Blue badge holders are also allowed to park in common parking bays.

Red-route Parking Bay

In London city, a red-route parking bay which is indicated by red dotted line shows the place can be used for parking only outside heavy traffic hours. As the traffic system vary between road to road, some red-route bays are available for parking only in the morning or early afternoon and some are available in only late afternoon or in the evening.

Some red-route parking is allowed only for blue badge holders or for loading purposes. If a red dotted parking bay includes a while dotted marked line, it means that it is allowed for parking throughout the day. Anyway, it is good to check the signs to know about the maximum time limit allowed. In general, parking restrictions apply between a time period of 8.30am -6.30pm, Monday to Saturday. You can check the signs to know the exact details of parking timings in each road.

Restrictions and Parking Fines

In London, you are not allowed to park outside the hours shown in the parking sign or on any days when vehicle parking not allowed. You are not allowed to use a parking bay which specifically designated for blue badge permit holders. Parking on double red lines is strictly restricted in London. You are also not allowed to park on a single red line where the sign shows that you can. Parking on zig-zag lines (pedestrian crossings) is considered as an absolute criminal offence.

Parking in a place which is specifically reserved for loading/unloading is also restricted. Parking your vehicle in a blue badge parking bay without displaying your blue badge permit will also be considered as an offence. If it is found that your vehicle is parked in contravention of traffic rules and restrictions, you will be charged with Penalty Charge Notices( PCNs). These parking fines are issued and administrated by the corresponding London borough where the offence takes place. Most of the parking fine rates are issues between £80 and £130. You can pay PCNs online, in person or by post.

Arrange Parking for the Moving Day

If you are planning to move to London or considering of moving to some other part of the London city, you need to be aware of the specific requirements of carrying out home or office removals across the area. First of all, you need to arrange a parking permit for your vehicle. You can check out the new area to know about the ideal places to park and you can also get useful information from corresponding borough’s council website.

If your move requires parking on any red-route line area, you are required to apply for a special dispensation, otherwise you will be charged with penalty. Another best option is to choose a reputable removal company to handle your moving requirements. Choosing the right company will help you avoid unnecessary traffic problems, get easy transportation facilities and help you reach your destination on time.

Loading and Unloading

Loading and unloading involves delivery/collection of goods, heavy materials or packages to or from a location or a customer. Before making a loading or unloading, you should be aware of where the loading activity is allowed, where it is banned and the valid duration allowed for this activity. In London city, the maximum duration allowed for a loading or unloading activity is for a period of up to 40 minutes. In some areas it is restricted to 20 minutes.

In cases where you cannot perform commercial activities in this stipulated time, you are allowed to apply for a dispensation permit. There are dedicated loading/unloading bays in London city areas. Yellow lines are subjected to loading and unloading restrictions. Loading and unloading is permitted in all single or double yellow lines which have no kerb markings. Normal timings allowed for loading and unloading in permitted areas are from Monday to Friday, 7am to 7pm and in Saturdays 7am to 11am.

If the yellow lines are accompanied by double kerb markings or chevrons, then the area is strictly not permitted for loading/unloading activities. In yellow lines with single kerb markings, loading and unloading is permitted during a specific time period and the time restrictions corresponding to that area are displayed on time plates (black and white) nearby.

Loading and unloading is also not permitted in suspended bays. Other common places where loading and unloading activities are prohibited include disabled bays, raised carriageways, foot ways, zigzag lines, resident parking bays, police bays, taxi rest bays and bus stops.

Tags: Parking RulesParking RestrictionParking Permit

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