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020 7060 4743

How many hours should I select for Loading and Unloading

It is the customer's responsibility to estimate the time required for loading and unloading when scheduling a move. While we are typically able to accommodate up to an additional hour beyond your initial estimate, our ability to do so depends on the time needed to reach our next client.

We strongly recommend not underestimating the time needed for loading and unloading, as this will not necessarily speed up the moving process. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth, secure, and damage-free move, and we do everything in our power to make that happen.

Please take into account all factors that might affect the loading and unloading process when making your estimate, including the size and weight of your belongings, access to the property, and any obstacles or constraints. This will help ensure a smooth experience for all parties involved.

London Man Van FAQ - How many hours should I select for Loading and Unloading

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Planning a move? Our comprehensive guide includes a moving checklist, inventory list, and a list of who to notify when you move. Stay organised and stress-free during your relocation.